martedì 14 aprile 2009


Clairton, Pennsylvania - 4/13/2009 - A family spooted an object flying very slowly over the horizon. They immediately got a camera and began taking pictures. One of the pictures is illustrated on the right. No additional information is available at this time, but Mufon will be investigating.

Austin, Texas - 4/13/2009 - Two witnesses saw a bright white circular object moving very fast towards the ground. There was no tail, the object was circular in shape, and looked somewhat like a continuous electric spark, as the light was blue and white in color. It quickly passed overhead in a northeasterly direction, and appeared to be falling, or crashing. The witnesses continued to drive along the highway, but wasn't able to see any smoke or fire.

Montegut, Louisiana - 4/13/2009 - Witness was driving along highway 665. Upon looking to the northeast, towards New Orleans, the witness saw something that looked like a flare, but much larger and slower. The duration of time of the sighting would seem to indicate that the object wasn't a flare.

San Francisco, California - 4/12/2009 - Multiple witnesses reported an unusual sighting in San Francisco's North Beach district. A circular object was hovering in the evening sky. The weather at the time was clear, with some high altitude clouds. The object's angular size was approximately 1/4 full Moon. It had a roughly circular shape, the color was a muted white, and it was clearly illuminated by the setting sun. The object was completely silent and did not resemble any type of aircraft. The object hovered in one position for a minute or so, before slowly moving in a southerly direction - perpendicular to the direction of the brisk prevailing winds. As the object began to move, it also began to change shape. It formed a triangle, then became more of a rectangle. The other witnesses were commenting on the changing shape, as the object continued gaining altitude while slowly moving to the south, before disappearing from view. As the witnesses talked among themselves, one witness suddenly exclaimed that there was a second object. The second object was smaller, approximately 1/10 full Moon, and appeared in almost the identical position as the first object. The second object was traveling considerably higher, then hovered for about one minute before slowly moving to the south, and out of view. A third object was observed, and was identical in size to the second object. The object was only visible for around 30 seconds before rapidly gaining altitude and disappearing from view. The entire event spanned approximately 25 minutes. One of the witnesses claimed to have been a combat photographer in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. He indicated that he had extensive experience in identifying both private, commercial, and military aircraft, and that the objects were like nothing he had ever experienced, or had any familiarity with.

Richard Sanner

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