domenica 15 marzo 2009



Up to 30 Shropshire sightings of mysterious spheres of light have been logged by UFO experts in the last two months - with eight recorded in the last week.

Phillip Hoyle, of the UFO Investigation and Research Unit in Shrewsbury, is conducting an investigation into the phenomenon witnessed by dozens of county residents.

Reports of orange and white glowing spheres poured in this week.

Many people sighted the globes in the skies above the county on Tuesday night.

Joe Szpalek, from Castlefields, Shrewsbury, spotted a mystery ball of light at about 7pm on Tuesday.

The 26-year-old said: “I saw what I thought was a meteor or meteorite which appeared to be dropping from the sky.

“I phoned a mate who I knew in town to see if he saw anything crash or heard anything. It was a huge ball of light plummeting to the ground at a rate of knots.

“The more I thought about it, it just looked like a solid white ball of light shooting quickly to the ground.”


But Mr Hoyle said he believes there is no meteorogical explanation for the sightings as there was no electrical storm that night.

He said people have suggested the spheres could have been debris from rockets.

“It became clear that people were trying to blame it on re-entry but it does not conform with that,” he added.

“A lot of these are small but they are usually connected to a larger sphere. I have had reports of them coming in from as far as Bury St Edmonds in Lancashire.

“A number of spheres were sighted a number of years ago in Castlefields and people were claiming abduction and neighbours reported seeing the spheres above that particular house.

“I am constantly doing interviews this week and I have a number next week, including one with a father and daughter from Sutton Maddock, near Telford, who saw three large spheres.”

Mr Hoyle said the unit has a high number of incidents from the Church Stretton and Marshbrook area but that these spheres were spotted all over the county

Reha Parsons

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